With the help of the server programming language PHP you can create websites of almost any complexity, running on thousands of servers around the world. Since the very beginning of the Web, PHP has been steadily developing and attracting a huge number of programmers, which makes it very popular and leaves it at the top of the rating of the most used programming languages in the world.

Unlike the first versions of PHP, in which the object-oriented approach has long remained an alternative to the traditional procedural approach, new versions of PHP are almost entirely designed for object-oriented development.

Traditionally, when getting acquainted with any programming language, it is necessary to get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of PHP

Web development. To a greater extent, the PHP programming language was created and maintained as a language focused on website development. The language constructs are designed for the convenience of working in the Web environment.

Multiplatform. PHP works on almost all popular operating systems, so there will be no problems when developing and transferring projects.

Free of charge. PHP programming language is completely free. In addition, you do not need to pay for most additional editors, servers and databases with which it works. A significant number of software products will have source code available for study and modification.

Ease of learning. It will not be difficult to learn PHP and start creating ready-made programs, compared to its competitors, such as .NET, Python, Ruby, etc.

Disadvantages of PHP

Lack of a leader. Commercial technologies have, so to speak, their leader, an architect who determines the look and direction of technology development. PHP has no leader, many solutions and designs are a compromise of interest groups and historically formed realities.

Feedback from the past. The PHP programming language is not young, and it has passed a very difficult path of development, which can be characterized by the creation and deletion of keywords, directives, constructs that are quite ambiguous. For example, some constructions seem to exist, but it is not recommended to use them. The same applies to directives that at first glance were supposed to facilitate development, but in practice turned into serious security problems.

Disconnected community. PHP is one of the first technologies for developing web projects, with the help of which more than half of the Internet was created. The development of PHP simultaneously involved a huge number of programmers around the world, which in turn gave rise to a huge number of different approaches, frameworks and incompatible ecosystems. Over time, alternative implementations of the RNG have emerged, resulting in incompatible ecosystems within the RNG, and the community needs to spend considerable effort to create the same libraries within different groups. To some extent, the situation is being addressed by RNR standards, which describe common rules and interfaces to ensure framework interoperability, but this process is still in its early stages, while competing technologies (.NET, Ruby) already have a common platform for all frameworks.

PHP structure

PHP programming language consists of a core and extensions. It is quite difficult to draw a line between the core and extensions, since many extensions are included in the core or distributed as easily installed compiled binary libraries.

PHP code created by a programmer can be divided into the following types:

Components – are PHP libraries that are built using the Composer package manager;

Frameworks – thousands of ready-made assemblies, often from components, with which you can create websites of any complexity.

Ready-made applications – ready-to-use PHP developments. These are CMS content management systems, database management web interfaces (phpMyAdmin).

Related technologies

PHP allows you to quickly develop websites, but additional software and technologies will be required to run it:

Web server. A program that provides interaction between the client and your application using the HTTP protocol. For the most part, Nginx or Apache web server will be enough to operate the website. Installing a web server will not create difficulties, because on the Internet you can easily find its installation on all known platforms. Installing Apache 2.4 web server with PHP 8 module and MariaDB database.

Database server. To store data, database servers are used, of which there are a very large number today. Each individual database deserves a separate book.

Git version control system, which serves to store development history, backup, upload code to the server, organize teamwork. Whether you work alone or in a team – Git has now become the main tool of a modern programmer, no matter what programming language you use.

This list can be continued for a very long time, but it is safe to say that by learning the PHP programming language you will be satisfied with your choice.