Contemporary software development processes heavily rely on pull requests. These serve as a medium for proposing, debating, and scrutinizing code modifications prior to merging them with the primary codebase. Pull requests enhance collaborative efforts, but they demand meticulous and deliberate management. When developers emphasize swift feature rollouts, they might overlook the integrity of pull requests, resulting in accumulated technical debt that can hinder or decelerate progress.

 For more detailed insights, check out this article on the pull request meaning. Effectively managing pull requests can lead to faster feature releases and more satisfied developers. Conversely, poor management of pull requests can have the opposite effect.

Now, let’s explore several effective pull request strategies that can be implemented within your team to benefit authors, code reviewers, and the overall workflow.

Before discussing these best practices, it is crucial to comprehend why traditional pull request methods frequently fall short of expectations.

Common Pitfalls in Traditional Pull Request Practices

Traditional pull request workflows commonly encounter a few significant issues:

Overloading Pull Requests

Pull requests may become cumbersome when they contain extensive modifications across different segments, complicating both the review process and comprehension. For example, a single pull request could encapsulate everything from changes to an algorithm that makes recommendations, a complete overhaul of the homepage, and a transition to using a microservices architecture. This could affect hundreds of files. Such extensive changes can be difficult for reviewers to effectively test and approve each element, potentially slowing down the integration process and obstructing further progress.

Hidden Dependencies

Pull requests might inadvertently establish dependencies that intertwine with future features or unrelated functions, leading to a complex and convoluted code structure. Consider a pull request that aims to optimize database queries but ends up diminishing the performance of a product search feature due to changes in the indexes. Such modifications can trigger broad performance issues and these dependencies might emerge unexpectedly, increasing the complexity within the codebase.

Narrow Review Focus

Effective code reviews should cover a range of aspects beyond mere code quality and functionality, including performance, user experience, and the impact on the overall architecture. Issues often arise when reviewers concentrate solely on immediate coding problems, overlooking these wider considerations. This narrow focus can result from a lack of specialized knowledge in certain areas, leading to reviews that are both incomplete and insufficient.

Review Process Slowdowns

Bulky pull requests can lead to review exhaustion, which in turn causes delays and dips in team efficiency. Relying on a limited number of reviewers with specific skills can result in bottlenecks, slowing the entire review process and hindering the distribution of knowledge among team members. 

For example, progress may be delayed on a complex pull request related to an algorithm if it must wait for the only team member qualified to review it, thereby halting subsequent developments.

Comprehensive Review Strategy

It is crucial for code reviews to fully assess the ramifications of changes being proposed. For instance, while reviewers might endorse the implementation of caching to boost performance, they may miss the resultant rise in infrastructure expenses and complexity, which could adversely affect the system.

Lack of Context

Often, pull request descriptions and commit messages do not provide enough context, which complicates the review process. A typical scenario might involve a developer submitting a pull request with a vague title like “Fix bug” that changes a crucial module without offering detailed explanations. This lack of detail forces reviewers to either seek more information from the developer or meticulously analyze the codebase to understand the changes, resulting in inefficiencies and possible oversights.

These issues highlight the need for a more thoughtful and thorough method in handling pull requests to streamline the process and improve results.

Optimizing Development Speed with 8 Pull Request Best Practices

Woman working on a laptop with software development tools and documents around her

Efficiency in code reviews is vital, but promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing within teams is just as important. Engineering leaders can adopt several key practices to streamline PR workflows and minimize friction.

Opt for Smaller Pull Requests

One highly effective practice for pull requests is to maintain their size small and well-defined, targeting fewer than 200 lines of changes per pull request, with an optimal size being under 50 lines of code.

Statistically, it’s observed that teams managing an average of 50 lines per pull request deliver 40% more code than teams handling pull requests of more than 200 lines. Not only do smaller pull requests simplify writing comprehensive unit tests for each component, but they also facilitate easier rollback of any errors that occur.

When confronted with a large code review that seems daunting due to its size, a common and effective strategy is to request the developer to break down the change list into several smaller, sequential change lists. This approach assists in managing review workloads more effectively.

By keeping pull requests short, it encourages reviewers to evaluate code changes more swiftly and prevents them from feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, it aids in crafting commit messages that concisely summarize the changes, which is particularly useful for capturing the necessary details without excess complexity.

However, adapting to a model of smaller pull requests might pose a challenge for teams accustomed to a different workflow in handling pull requests. In such cases, methods like pull request stacking could be beneficial.

Using PR Stacking in Practice

Stacked PRs break down large changes into a series of small, iterative modifications that build on one another. The initial pull requests set up the basic infrastructure, with each subsequent one adding enhancements or features. This method allows for separating larger features into manageable parts and enables parallel progression of different workstreams without delays.

The concept of stacked PRs involves making incremental changes directly on the main branch. A developer starts with a minor modification, commits it as a small pull request, and continues this process, creating several small changes in sequence. This approach accelerates the review process and allows for quicker integration into the main branch.

For instance, a developer working on a recommendation algorithm might divide the development into three segments: the core algorithm, the database interactions, and the user interface components. Such division not only speeds up reviews but also helps in merging changes into the main branch more efficiently.

While GitHub supports PR stacking, there are specialized tools designed to manage dependencies across feature branches. These tools facilitate automatic rebasing and synchronizing the cascading changes among connected, stacked PRs, freeing teams from the intricate git operations so they can focus on more significant challenges.

Person lying on a large monitor with code and gears, working on a laptop

Offer Detailed Context

It’s also crucial for PR authors to include comprehensive contextual details in their submissions. It should be standard practice for descriptions to articulate the reasons for changes clearly, including links to related domain logic and previous discussions about alternatives or limitations.

For changes that affect the user interface, it is helpful to provide before-and-after screenshots to visibly demonstrate the UI and functional differences. Authors should detail the edge cases checked through unit tests in various settings, including different browsers and datasets.

Moreover, authors need to explicitly mention any breaking changes, potential impacts on downstream integration, or compatibility issues. Highlighting these elements ensures that changes that carry higher risks are thoroughly examined during the review process.

Integrate Structural Protections

In software development, implementing architectural safeguards is essential to prevent a gradual decline in quality due to numerous incremental changes. Prioritize the development of modular components, as these facilitate easier and faster testing and code releases.

Using abstraction effectively is crucial. By breaking down functions into modular parts, you can significantly simplify the complexity of the system, enhance its extensibility, and improve maintainability. Additionally, consider updates carefully to ensure compatibility with previous versions, only opting to phase out legacy systems when there are well-coordinated plans in place.

It is also beneficial to assign review responsibilities to those who oversee the impacted components. Such individuals are more likely to understand the potential downstream effects and maintain a comprehensive perspective on the changes.

Two people collaborating on a project with charts and gears on a large screen

Promote Instant Collaboration

Encouraging developers to seek feedback and collaborate in real-time while working on features and fixes can be more effective than relying solely on pull request reviews. Explore practices like rapid prototyping, pair programming, informal reviews, and live discussions to foster a continuous flow of ideas and facilitate immediate collaboration.

The goal is to foster a supportive environment where asking questions is seen as an integral part of responsible development. By publicly recognizing and rewarding such behaviors, you reinforce them. Additionally, strive to streamline the feedback process, making it intuitive and effortless for developers.

Ultimately, the aim is to create a supportive, appreciated, and productive work environment for developers, minimizing any obstacles that could hinder their workflow.

Engage Various Expertise

The selection of the right reviewers for each pull request is crucial and often overlooked. Instead of assigning reviewers randomly, carefully choose both technical and non-technical experts who are best suited to validate the modifications.

For changes to core infrastructure, involve senior engineers who specialize in platform reliability to evaluate the operational impacts. For updates related to the user interface, include UX designers who can advocate for the end-user’s needs.

Security reviews should be mandatory for changes that involve encryption, access controls, and defining exposure boundaries. With such specialized review processes, the evaluations are not only more efficient but also more accurate, as reviewers can concentrate on their areas of expertise without the need to shift focus frequently. Small pull requests further improve this process by allowing for precise concerns to be addressed, enabling the assignment of reviewers based on their specific domain knowledge.

Manage Team Workloads Proactively

Effectively scaling code review involves balancing the team’s bandwidth with the volume of incoming pull requests to prevent overwhelming backlogs.

Start by setting clear expectations for pull request turnaround times that reflect the team’s capacity, and try to limit the number of work-in-progress pull requests. Tracking metrics such as “time to first review” and “time from publish to merge” can highlight areas for improvement in your pull request process.

Encourage timely reviews by promoting a standard where, if not engaged in a critical task, code reviews should be conducted shortly after their receipt. Ideally, a code review should be responded to within one business day.

When considering adjustments to this process, it’s important to collect feedback from engineers and other stakeholders to gauge their views and ensure any process changes meet the team’s needs and preferences.

Developer sitting with a laptop next to files and coding symbols, representing web development

Integrate Automation Across Workflow

When submitting a pull request (PR), it is beneficial to include an automated code review and linting stage. Implement tools such as GitHub Actions, Jenkins, SonarQube, or Checkstyle to catch syntax errors, uphold style guidelines, and pinpoint security risks.

Adopting this strategy will:

  • Allow human reviewers to devote more time to evaluating the business logic;
  • Maintain consistent style and quality throughout the codebase;
  • Identify nuanced or complex issues that might be overlooked by manual reviews.

Integrating automated reviews as a mandatory step in the PR process helps eliminate fundamental flaws like minor style discrepancies, code complexity, and security vulnerabilities early on. This automation addresses common, superficial problems, enabling human reviewers to focus on more intricate aspects of logic and user experience.

Moreover, seek ways to automate additional stages of the development lifecycle, such as code analysis, testing, and release management. The main objective is to enhance developer efficiency, not merely to apply strict rules mechanically.

Efficiently managed pull requests can alleviate workflow bottlenecks and boost team dynamics over time. This effectiveness stems from structuring changes in a manner that clarifies them for reviewers and encourages expert feedback from various disciplines.

Review processes should transform into constructive dialogues that empower developers to progress swiftly and accumulate relevant knowledge. Sustained improvements in speed result from continuously refining these systems.

Key strategies include:

  • Monitoring important metrics to shape experiments with new workflows;
  • Automating routine tasks to save mental energy for critical activities;
  • Initiating discussions within the team to share best practices and solicit feedback on gradual changes in workflow.

The real advantage manifests when a culture of ongoing enhancement is established. Pull requests then become collaborative touchpoints that propel the team towards optimal performance and excellence, provided there is a real commitment to implementing and consistently improving these processes.

Achieving Ongoing Optimization of Pull Requests

Four scenes of a person presenting data visualizations on monitor

For sustained effective collaboration, it is essential for teams to constantly refine their working environments by leveraging metrics, sharing knowledge, and implementing smart automation strategies.

  • Implement Metrics Monitoring: Keep track of crucial metrics like the speed of review turnarounds, the number of bugs identified, and the duration until merges are completed. Hold regular retrospective meetings to evaluate these metrics, identify trends, and pinpoint areas for improvement;
  • Conduct Controlled Experiments: Test different approaches to review frequencies, methods of PR communication, and the integration of various tools to determine the most effective strategies. Regularly collect feedback from developers to gauge what enhancements are effective and what aspects may be causing issues. Introduce new processes on a small scale initially, allowing the team time to adjust before broader application;
  • Promote Knowledge Exchange: Set aside time for developers to engage in informal code reviews with one another, fostering skill development and early feedback prior to formal reviews. Organize workshops to train team members on the best practices for crafting and evaluating pull requests. Make it a point to publicly acknowledge and celebrate instances of proactive collaboration within the team.


Pull requests provide an opportunity to build connections, encourage growth, and combine team talents into collective achievements greater than individual contributions. Teams that actively optimize pull requests create a positive feedback loop, driving both product and team improvement.

However, realizing the potential of new PR workflows requires intention and care. The key factor is whether teams can invest the necessary time and effort into streamlining the technical and cultural infrastructure needed for seamless collaboration.